Crew 1372's
Home Page
NCAC Council info.

Venturing Crew 1372
(Manassas Park, Virginia)
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What is Council?

Scouting is broken up into many different levels of organization which mainly include:

*Our Council is named NCAC (National Capital Area Council) and it is one of the top three largest councils in the country. It extends all the way from southern Maryland through Washington D.C. and along the eastern side of Virginia 

In this section of the website you will find information about events and outings hosted by NCAC Council.

For more information please feel free to visit the NCAC council website.

NCAC Council Calender

NCAC Council has lots of events taking place throughout the year and sometimes it is hard to keep track of all these events...

Here you will find a PDF file of the 2013 and 2014 NCAC council calender!